Queen Anne's Lace
Daucus carota
Flower heads gathered in the summer produce a yellow dye.
Queen Anne’s lace is a member of the carrot family and the root is edible.
Caution: Quenn Anne's Lace can look very similar to hemlock, a fatally poisonous plant. Use extreme caution when identifying this plant.
Queen Anne's Lace is sometimes caleed the herbal "morning after pill". It is considered to have abortifactent and contraceptive properties. Herbalists typically reccomend taking the seeds after sex to help prevent pregnancy.
Taking herbal contraceptives or abortifactents can be risky and is often less reliable than other medicinal options. Closely consider available options and risks before using Queen Anne's Lace.
A round up of current research, both academic and community based, is available in this article along with details of a community run uncontrolled study here.